Sunday, December 21, 2014

TOW #14 "The Crime of the Ages- Who Did It?" (political cartoon)

                This World War I era political cartoon portrays the major European countries involved in the foreground. Each of them, represented by people, are pointing towards whomever they believe is the most responsible for causing the war. Most countries are pointing at Germany as it was thought to be the main aggressor in the war when it invaded neutral Belgium. The Allied powers showed this clearly when they forced Germany to give up land and pay reparations when the war came to an end with the Treaty of Versailles. However, what is in the background is a large hand that represents other countries’ views on the situation, is pointing towards an impaled body labeled “The Peace of Europe.” This shows how others think the main problem of this war is that it has killed off the peacefulness of Europe. The author’s choice to have that in the background could represent how the finger pointing and naming of names being done by the Allied and Central powers has overshadowed the real problem of peace, which is why the countries are in the foreground. The crime of the ages is that the peace in Europe died all on account of one assassination. The soon to be Austria- Hungarian leader and his wife were killed by Serbians, which triggered Austria- Hungary to take action, as well as Germany, Serbia, Russia, and eventually many more. The tangling alliances and militarism brought the rest into the war. The spider web of connections is shown in the pointing of hands. Blame cannot be placed on only one country.


  1. This was very helpful, Thankyou!!! :)

  2. Thanks I really needed this for my homework

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks, I needed for an essay.

  5. Would this be considered militarism?

  6. i still am missing some things bruh, but thanks

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  8. what does the hand in the corner represent

  9. The tension in the cartoon leads to what war?

  10. thank you that was very helpful. Can you explain how this connects, rejects, or embraces nationalism

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