Sunday, January 11, 2015

TOW #15 "Tokyo Ghoul: The Ani-TAY Review" (written review)

                In this review, Ani-TAY explains both good and bad points of the recent, and fairly popular, anime called Tokyo Ghoul. He starts out with a brief description of the plot and characters, and later elaborates on specific points he finds “fantastic”, “not bad”, and “terrible.” He talks about everything from voice actors to censoring. In each separate topic’s paragraph, Ani-TAY gives his opinion and uses specific evidence from the show or others for comparison. Under the “fantastic” heading, he lists the tragedy aspect of the storyline, the fact that the main character is forced to give up part of his humanity, the range of the voice actors, and the beauty of the animation. He explains what he loves about each topic and why. An example would be how specific voice actors are put into roles that are very ouside of what their “type-casting” usually is, like Mamoru Miyano and Kana Hanazawa. In the “not bad” section, he lists the odd censoring and how they rushed through the last arc. In Tokyo Ghoul, they use two types of censoring. “First is the standard and craptastic "let's just cover all the offensive bits in black" type of censoring, the second is it will invert the colors of the scene.” Ani-TAY dose prefer the inverted over the random shadow, as many others do. If his exasperated tone wasn’t enough to realize that, he does outright say it. The sole topic under the “terrible” title would be the ending. Even though Ani-TAY hadn’t read the manga (original comic), he still felt the ending was a little abrupt. They did in fact end the first season in the middle of an arc, and anyone can tell. The author dubs Tokyo Ghoul (season 1) as “yet another member of the Disappointing Ending Club.” Though, all in all, Ani-TAY gave it a good review, being sure to give specifics in recommending and not recommending since it is a horror anime, there will be blood. He even calls it one of the best he’s seen since Another, one other successful horror anime.

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